Privacy Statement Construction sites and temporary staff

The Privacy statement construction sites of BAM Bouw en Vastgoed bv and BAM Infra Nederland bv and their subsidiaries describes how BAM processes personal data of employees of our subcontractors and suppliers and visitors in the context of access control and attendance registration at our construction sites. This privacy statement may be changed from time to time. The most recent version is published on our website(s).

Version: November 2023

This is the privacy statement construction sites from Royal BAM Group nv, BAM Bouw en Vastgoed Nederland bv and BAM Infra Nederland bv and its subsidiaries (hereinafter: 'BAM' or 'we'). This statement contains a description of how BAM handles the personal data in the context of access control and attendance registration at our construction sites and the hiring of temporary personnel. This privacy statement may be changed from time to time. The most recent version is published on our website.

Royal BAM Group nv
Runnenburg 9
3981 AZ Bunnik
030 659 89 88
BAM Infra Nederland bv
H.J. Nederhorstlaan 1
2801 SC Gouda
0182 59 06 00
BAM Bouw en Vastgoed Nederland bv
Runnenburg 13
3981 AZ Bunnik
030 659 81 81

BAM’s Privacy Officers can be reached at

Below is an overview of the personal data we process from temporary personnel and employees of subcontractors: 

  • Name and address information
  • Email and phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Type, number and date of expiration of identity document
  • Social security (BSN) number
  • Name, address and location employer
  • A1 statement as employer from outside the Netherlands
  • Residence permit if employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Work permit or notification UWV if employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Copy of passport as employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Qualification, certification and diploma data
  • Telephone number for emergency situations
  • If you have a condition, and your colleagues must be aware of this in order to act adequately if an emergency occurs, BAM will register this.

Below is an overview of the personal data we process from employees of suppliers:

  • Name
  • Nationality
  • Type, number and date of expiration of identity document
  • Name, address and location employer
  • Residence permit if employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Work permit or notification UWV if employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Copy of passport as employee does not have EEA nationality
  • Qualification, certification and diploma data
  • Telephone number for emergency situations
  • If you have a condition, and your colleagues must be aware of this in order to act adequately if an emergency occurs, BAM will register this. 

Below is an overview of the personal data we process from visitors:

  • Name
  • Employer

If the access control takes place using biometric data, we also process the following personal data: your finger scan converted into a unique access code and your passport photo (in low resolution). BAM does not register the finger scan itself.

BAM processes personal data for the following purposes:

  • In order to comply with legal obligations, such as the obligations under the Arbowet, Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen, de Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies, de Wet op de identificatieplicht, de Wet arbeidsvoorwaarden gedetacheerde werknemers in de EU and Wet Allocatie Arbeidskrachten door Intermediairs (Waadi), and to prevent BAM from being held liable on the grounds of non-compliance with these legal obligations.
  • To limit the risk of (chain) liability on the basis of the Invorderingswet 1990 and Wet aanpak schijnconstructies.
  • In the context of your safety and the safety of other employees, for example to be able to act adequately in case of an accident on the construction site.

The legal bases for the processing of your personal data are:

  • Meeting legal obligations of BAM;
  • The protection of vital interests of you or other persons;
  • And the representation of the legitimate interests of BAM.

BAM will only keep your personal data as long as is necessary to complete the purposes for which your data is collected, to represent the legitimate interests of BAM and as long as we are legally obliged to do so.

If we process your personal data to answer a question posed by you, we will keep the data as long as necessary

BAM shares your personal data with several third parties if this is necessary for carrying out the access control and attendance registration, the execution of the agreement between BAM and suppliers for the contracting of temporary staff, and to comply with any legal obligation. These parties include tax authority, advisors and main contractors / clients. We enter into a data processing agreement with companies that process your data on our behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. BAM remains responsible for these processing operations. In addition, BAM provides your personal data to third parties. We only do so with your express consent.

You have the right to view, modify or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your previously given consent to the data processing, if any, or object to the processing of your personal data by BAM, and you have the right to portability of your data. This means that you can submit a request to us to transfer the personal data that we have from you in a computer file to an organisation designated by you.

Please send your request for the review, correction, deletion or transfer of your personal data or a request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to:

To ensure that the request has actually been made by you, BAM can ask you for proof of identity. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, in any case within four weeks.

The removal of your personal data is only possible when the data is no longer relevant.

BAM takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised changes. We do this, for example, by means of the IT security policy, training our employees and by using secure storage and connections.

If you have the impression that your data is not secure or if you have evidence of abuse, please contact our customer service or send an email to